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Courses for Electromagnetic Field & Microwave Technology

  • 系统管理员
  • 2011-04-25
  • 534
Basic Course
ES45201 Advanced Electromagnetic Field Theory(3)
ES45202 Structure and Applications of Dielectric waveguide(3.5)
ES45203 Numerical Solution of Electromagnetic Fields(3.5)
ES45204 Microwave System and Engineering(3)

Major Courses
ES44201 Theory and Design of Microwave Circuits(3) 
ES44202  Basic Antenna Technology(3)
ES44203 Optoelectronics(2)
ES45211 Basic Solid-state Electronics(3)
ES45213 Optical Waveguide Technology(2)
ES45215 Millimeter-Wave Communication Technology(2)
ES45221 Modern Microwave Measurement(2)
ES45222 Coupled Mode Theory(2)
ES45223 Modern Antenna Design(2)
ES45224 Radio Receiver Technology(3)
ES14202 Express Electronics(3)
IN05102 Digital Signal Processing (II)(3)
IN05121 Mobile Communication Engineering(3)
CN05112 Consolidation and Functional(4)
ES46201 Seminar on Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology(2)