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Two USTC Alumni Newly Elected IEEE Fellow 2012

  • 系统管理员
  • 2011-11-24
  • 57

Recently, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) announced the list of newly elected IEEE Fellow. Among the 329 winners from all over the world, there are two USTC alumni, one of whom graduated from the School of Information Science and Technology (SIST).



Dr. LI Xuelong entered Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science, USTC in 1994, and then gained both his Master’s Degree and Doctor’s Degree successively from USTC. He is now a research fellow at Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS. He also assumes the leadership of several State Key Laboratories. Dr. LI is a participant of Recruitment Program of Global Experts, and is supported by Outstanding Youth Fund. He is also an IAPR Fellow, an SPIE Fellow, an IET/IEE Fellow as well as a BCS Fellow. His main research interests include Image/Video Processing and Mining, Pattern Recognition, Multimedia Technology, Cognitive Computing.


Another alumni elected IEEE Fellow is LI Peng (’80 Dept. 7).


By far, the number of USTC graduated IEEE Fellow has reached a total amount of 31. This number ranks second among all the universities in Chinese Mainland.
