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USTC Wins Best Paper Award on IEEE GLOBECOM 2013

  • 系统管理员
  • 2013-12-13
  • 29
Prof. ZHU Zuqing’s research group received a Best Paper Award at the 2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2013) held at Atlanta, USA, on December 11. The paper, which is entitled “Design Integrated RSA for Multicast in Elastic Optical Networks with a Layered Approach”, features the first author and corresponding author from the School of Information Science and Technology (SIST), which is also the first unit of the piece.


Certificate of the Best Paper Award for Optical Network and Systems Symposium, IEEE GLOBECOM 2013


IEEE GLOBECOM is one of the two flagships among all the conferences held by IEEE Communications Society. The other one is IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC). Held annually in December, the Conference covers almost every research area of communications and networking, including information theory, communication signal processing, wireless communications, optical networks, multimedia communications and information security. This year, 12 papers in different research areas were selected as Best Papers, from a total amount of 2272 submissions. The paper of Prof. ZHU’s group investigated the routing and spectrum assignment (RSA) problem for all-optical multicasting in elastic optical networks, proposed a novel RSA algorithm that can achieve efficient multicasting with a layered approach leveraging auxiliary graphs, and verified its performance with numerical simulations. At last, it won the only Best Paper Award in the area of optical networks and systems.


Prof. ZHU’s research group had received another Best Paper Award from IEEE ICC 2013 in this June, thus it has been winning Best Paper Awards from the two flagship conferences of IEEE Communications Society in a same year. Such achievement is rarely made in the history of the two conferences, and Prof. ZHU’s group is the first to have accomplished this in Chinese Mainland.


LIU Xiahe, the first author of the paper, received her Bachelor’s degree from the USTC, and she is now a first-year Master candidate in SIST. LIU joined Prof. ZHU’s research group in Oct 2012 to launch her graduation project, which was also the basis of the paper, and she has been reaching several research findings in her works on resource management for multicasting in elastic optical networks since then. At present, LIU has published three papers in GLOBECOM, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), and IEEE Communications Letters as first author. She has also co-authored several papers in other conferences and journals.


LIU Xiahe (second from the left) at the awarding ceremony


Prof. ZHU Zuqing received his PhD degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Davis, in 2007. He then worked as a senior engineer at the Service Provider Technology Group of Cisco Systems, San Jose, USA. Prof. ZHU joined USTC in Jan 2011 and he is currently an Associate Professor at SIST. Since then, he and his group has published 19 journal papers in several prestigious IEEE journals including IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Communications Letters, and IEEE Communications Magazine, to name a few. Prof. ZHU is the editorial board member of a few well-known journals such as Elsevier Journal of Optical Switching and Networking. He is also a Senior Member of IEEE as well as Optical Society of America (OSA).
